facebook-behavior, smart phones…

Friends, here’s a question:
do you do “different kinds of things” on facebook, and with your smart phone,
than elsewhere, so to speak?
I ask because:
1. I have a way I am, in life.
2. on facebook, I am, uh, DIFFERENT. I act out, act up, the whole thing’s kinda a rampant shit-show of garbage, etc.
that’s NOT how I am in REAL LIFE.
in REAL LIFE, I um, listen to music, even read, think without reacting, etc… sometimes I even drive, interact, and make music.
point being:
the “stuff I do on facebook” is NOT really part of real life…
I have always felt that if I had a smart phone, this “facebook lowlife stuff” would mix into my real life in such a way as to ELIMINATE the boundaries between them.
and friends: as ah ADHDer, that’s the LAST thing I want or need.
as I see people on their smart phones in their cars, stopped at intersections… I just think:
“dammit, people. don’t you have anything BETTER to do than this
nonsense jive-ass TEXTING and FACEBOOK CRAP?” (given, I don’t “really” know WHAT they’re doing, true.)
that’s why I ask:
do you do
“different” things with/on facebook/twitter/texting?
has it flooded into “real” life so much that they are not distinguishable?
do you even notice?
do you care?
and if you are ADHD, how the hell do you function?
(not that I want one, nooooo fuckin way.)
as I’ve been saying for years now, if I have a smart phone, if I have facebook and other such things in my HAND…. I’ll never get out of bed and will therefore starve.

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