Category Archives: African Music

African Music

psst: I’m a leader! (shhh)

Today I asked someone trusted, the question of the week:

“Why is it that so very often, what normal/other/average/many people consider to be a reasonable way of doing things… is so VERY “out of phase” with how I would do them?

this has troubled me for DECADES.

Their answer?

“Because you are a Leader.”


very nice indeed.





this is tagged almost EVERYTHING, cause it IS almost everything.

sigh…I’m glad that I don’t really care about being famous-

sigh… reading some friends’s posts (none of you who are seeing this in particular (I hid the people who it “really” applies to)

I’m glad that I don’t really care about being famous, or perceived in a certain way, and that what really matters (hopefully I’m “not” kidding myself (I might indeed be, the mind is sneaky like that (I’d be lying if I said I “didn’t” “somewhat enjoy” people’s admiration (but it doesn’t have to be millions of average people)
um… yeah…
I‘m glad, if it’s true, that being in the moment, of drumming, and dance on occasion (usually drumming, since Alfred Ladzekpo retired) (he was a teacher of African (from Ghana) Music and Dance, at CalArts for 41 years, for those of you not in-the-know.)

yeah, I‘m glad, if it’s true, that being in the moment, of drumming, and dance on occasion (usually drumming, since Alfred Ladzekpo retired) is SO “IT.” it’s never about being admired, or being payed a lot, even anything, or about being FAMOUS or adored by millions (yeah, millions of nobody’s who have nothing vested in me, and who don’t understand my art.)

no, no.

it’s about momentary interaction, coming together with a few people, drummers, dancers, perhaps singers or other things too….
or simply listening to music.

now, here, music you love so much you couldn’t care less about anything else, and could die at the end of the night, or song.

I’m sorry, but all lifeforms will die, and it can’t be about living forever (though maybe that changes?:)
it can’t be about passing on legacies, or one’s children. they shall have to fend for themselves, and that is simply the way of things.
attachment, don’t do too much of it.

just be here now, ok?

and if you don’t LOVE the performance to the endth degree of ecstasy, my friends, then I really cannot advise you other than keep seeking, for all I know is what I’ve said.

African Rhythms Remembered

2 hours last night, and one tonight, I remembered 36 (African) rhythms, with dozens more to go.

(I learned them gradually over “many” years, and at one point, wrote some of them down in rudimentary ways. months ago, I accidentally deleted all the notation (and every other microsoft file I had for the last 11 years.)

good thing I had already long since memorized all of them:)

only have about 50 more to go. learning things in such a way that you remember them for years is good-feeling.

Love my Artist Friends

oh MAN, yes….
one thing, that’s “SO” true….

about my creative artist and crazy and CalArts friends…

such people…

belittle you, mock you, tease you, or otherwise judge your or put you down, because of WHO YOU ARE, your tastes, interests, or ways of expressing yourself.

they (we) may do it over creAtive matters, but that’s entirely different. (person A likes this, person B likes that, and it’s all okay.)

such people NEVER do it in the juvenile, “jock” immature insecure ways that average people (ahem, mostly men) do. (sorry ladies, but I’m not as familiar with how women “tend” to do this.)

and this, friends…

is VERY nice, very nice indeed, nothing but wonderful.

this is the good way.

me happy.



into the moment, and moment music

things that bring you into the moment, such as eve Pilates, not just yoga and such…

out of one’s head, perhaps.

after doing pilates, assuming I manage to get on with my day (often I don’t)

life seems real nice, for some reason.

and the thought of the day shall be—|

“Perhaps I am happy, already.”

there being no “there” there, indeed.

funny story about teachin music and not teaching music

-Ok so, I just thought of something that happened to me that seems hysterical now:

I sought a job, any job (still a music one though) some years ago, at an after-school program, which, don’t seem to be the greatest thing ever, if you know what I mean (disinterested kids, glorified babysitting, as one employee in such a program once said (he was later fired), etc.
I got hired with flying colors (I guess I’m good, yes.)it was some kinda once a week, maybe twice, “lecture” for a large amount of middle school (pehaps even younger? can’t totally remember) in Buena Park, CA (“sorry, where?” yeah, I don’t know either.) but it WAS in conservative ORANGE COUNTY. (side note: I have since discovered a sizable amount of artsy liberal people (also burners) in orange county (props, Laguna. props.)

my first (and only) time working there involved, decided by me,
a “lecture/demonstration” on the awesomeness of James Brown and African Music (what the fuck else “is the coolest thing ever”, man?  wink emoticon what the fuck else would I want to teach kids or do with them or have them do or know about? hot crossed fuckin buns? playing quarter notes?

I managed to show them how the different instrumental parts in a James Brown tune (some of them in particular (Give It Up Or Turnita Loose) are “very” interlocking, rhythmically.
how the horns play two notes, then the guitar played 3 notes, followed immediately by the horns playing their two notes again, etc…

(not to mention that Hip Hop and other things “come from” James Brown.

and how, exactly like in the West-African music we CalArtsians know and love so much, thanks to Ladzekpo and Co,

how exactly as in that,

James Brown would call the changes, to The Bridge, and it wasn’t “counted”, it was WHEN (and if) James called for the bridge.

he could (and does, in two different recordings of Hot Pants,)
go to the bridge
return to the main riff, for ONE BAR, and then
immediately call the bridge again.

so much like in an A/B call when you return to the A part, and then IMMEDIATELY go to the B part again; Alfred could (and did) do this on us sometimes, to “catch” us “not listening, not unlike how James Brown would FINE people if they fucked up (which I seem to recall, Alfred told stories of that happening where he comes from in Ghana as well.)
NEEDLESS to say, this “demonstration” involved “ME DOING AFRICAN DANCE” for these kids.
(oh I should mention, that they had a “dance recess party” or something “just” before this “lecture, which I heard, and one of the songs played was SEX MACHINE. (this told me that playing the version of “Give It Up Or Turnita Loose” that I did, (in which he says “like a sex machine” three times) was fine, (they just used the ACTUAL “Sex Machine” song at an in-school party for the same kids.)


apparently I offended the conservative PTA and I was fired right quick, but I didn’t find out for days, I drove out there to work the next class, only to be notified they weren’t having it that day, and only days later that I’d been fired.

thing is:

the kids “fuckin ATE IT UP.”
they LOVED me.

so much they were “CHANTING MY NAME” across the parking lot after this event ended. (they were on some nearby field, I was “getting a drink at an outdoor water fountain, and I heard the chanting…. they loved me.

Fuck Employment by uptight people.
I’ll take influencing some kids’s lives positively (and “exposing” them to James Brown and African Music over pleasing a buncha conservative (and white) people any day.

Hell Yeah.

with me they got genuineness, honesty and coolness, not to mention James Brown and some African music and dance.
I may starve.
I will die.

but we shall sing and dance.

next year, maybe the one after that,
maybe even after that still,

I applied for a job with the same company (unknowingly,)
and they too hired me enthusiastically, and they had, at the time, an earlier interview on file (the one from above), in which a certain word (a very positive one, but I don’t recall what it was) was used, (they used the “glowing prior interview” as a basis for hiring me this second time.)I had no recollection of working for them before at all.

I was hired.

(this time I had the job for a year (before I decided that it was too far to drive for too little money (which it was)
they eventually figured out that I had indeed been fired before, but just laughed it off. (wasn’t much of a big deal, it seems.)


a lotta things are average, middle-of-the-road, lame, boring, unoffensive, politically correct, easy-going, reasonable.

in this life somebody’s got to be awesome and real and mighty enthusiastic, not to mention “inspiring to others.”
that’s me.

(I always was inspiring, my 6th grade art teacher commented on how at that age, I was excited about art class, and other kids became so to, apparently, thanks to my genuine un-self-conscious enthusiasm.)
‪#‎I‬ win.

ok, this post is getting full of myself.

let’s stop.

#I still win.

guess life isn’t so bad after all.

could be comatose with no joy aside from drinking.

#I still still win

one thing leads to another and

I Might be mistook (cool word!)
about one of these details, but
wonders never cease:

1. I was playing Music and Dance with CalArts and Alfred Ladzekpo and company, in 2002, and 4, and 7 8 9 10 11….
2. I once analyzed this riff (the one at 1:07…
spent HOURS.
3. due to that, I ended up getting in a nifty afro-beat band called SOGO TAKEOVER.
4. due to that, I taught some afro-beat music at ACE in 2013.
5. due to THAT, a might a nice clarinet player and due to that
6. We Made Music for 18 again in 2014…
7. ALSO due to WORKING at ACE, I saved some money and could go to Burningman 2014.
8. while there, I met some nice new friends and now I am blessed to play African music with them.
9. and due that, I was able to go to burningman again this year.

far out, man.

dude, coffee and fun music. what’s not to like

dude, coffee and fun music.

what’s not to like.

when I’m 70, 80, 90, 100, 110,

still gonna be music.


enjoy it.

sing dance.

this is life.

(especially if it’s repetitive and is awesome once and is therefore awesome 1000 times in a row, until you’re exhausted, and if you have friends who will do it with you.)

guess life ain’t so bad after all.

thanks, CalArts.


man, cool music really DOES

man, cool music really DOES make me not give a fuck!
a wonderful thing, who needs drugs. I got beats and the blues and dominant sharp 9 chords, bitches.