Category Archives: Wagner

The Master is not god, he is Wagner

as a classical music personage….

as a classical music personage…. I despise the limited focus of so much music (as an avid fan of minimalism, African Music, and percussion without pitches, surely this means I’m crazy/a genius/ or at least crazy.)

I mean pop music mostly.

the breadth of emotions (if that’s what music is expressing at all)
is just so “expressed in a limited fashion…”
there are no 

moments of it suddenly being very quiet, at a different tempo, even rubato, played by only one instrument, almost inaudible…

I want more than that.


psst: I’m a leader! (shhh)

Today I asked someone trusted, the question of the week:

“Why is it that so very often, what normal/other/average/many people consider to be a reasonable way of doing things… is so VERY “out of phase” with how I would do them?

this has troubled me for DECADES.

Their answer?

“Because you are a Leader.”


very nice indeed.





this is tagged almost EVERYTHING, cause it IS almost everything.

which kind of monkey are you?

there are people who really wanna make things happen, and there are others who just sorta do, and other who don’t wanna at all.

use the ones who really wanna.



tagged WAGNER because he was the CAN DO variety of MASSIVE proportions.

the thought that I didn’t fail,

the thought that I didn’t fail,
that I simply didn’t bother to keep asking and seeking,
and that I would have succeeded if I had simpy kept going…
is mind-blowing and awesome…
let’s keep going.




tagged WAGNER because HE kept going.

safe things = no way

safe things that are sure bets financially are seldom worth anything.
this is why I disdain doing reasonable easy projects that don’t require much effort.
they’re fucking boring and don’t do anything for me.
I want big, loud, dangerous and lively, thank you. (who’s on welfare now? all them people who always take the safe and easy way, rather than taking risks, creatively or otherwise. )