big projects only, please

and now: actual thoughts. (if impatient, skip the first 11 lines)
topic today: creative matters.
I am concerned about which aspects of my life to try to control, and which not.
I am concerned that I always want to do things in a (typically non-conformist) “creative/artistic” way, rather than “that other way” that most people, even creatives, even artists, use.
and now for specifics:
I don’t like to BOTHER unless I’m going ALL IN, or at least, “very far in, intensely.” (this is not sexual.)
(skip to here) the way I see it,
you have to do a lot of infrastructural work just to set something up, to make it work. (which is generally a pain in the butt.)
if you are going to do that,
I think it is best to then maximize the situation and do as much as possible as extreme as possible with the “situation” you have set up, and then have to tear down.
OTHERWISE, it’s like
1. going to a gas station.
2. getting out of the car
3. paying for the gas.”
5. yadda yadda.
and having to do it again soon.
50 cents of gas ain’t no fun.
a full tank is.
proverbially of course.
unless you are being paid a ton of money, getting all dressed up to perform for 30 seconds
instead of for 2 hours
just ain’t it.

(I never said this approach was practical.)

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