the norms of society

understanding the norms of society “normally” involves noticing several things:
1. they absolutely suck
2. they are completely boring
3. infinitely better ways of doing EVERYTHING are possible
4. they are designed with average people in mind.
5. not questioning these norms, not thinking, and not doing something BETTER is very very bad. and it makes me enraged that this seems to be what most people choose to do (because they are lazy?)
6. doing things for the most money instead of “any other human or humane reason AT ALL” is very very bad too. see previous posts on how this basically turns the world into garbage and creates misery for everyone but the richest, and frankly, creates it for them too because money doesn’t make you happy.
and again…
just think…
some day I won’t have to deal with it at all.

good thing there ‘are’ ‘good thoughts’ and ideas and feelings that in spite of “all that garbage” still exist and still are good.

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