quick overview of lessons taught to me tonight:

quick overview of lessons taught to me tonight:
1. my very definitions and separations of NORMAL and WEIRD are kinda not the right way to go about things.
2. don’t use what my childhood-self perceived as “other people’s standard of normal, particularly if it seems to not really be what I want.
3. sometimes, it is good to “have strategies.”
4. sometimes when you dance with someone, at a certain point, it is appropriate to touch their back, and then attempt to play with their butt, depending on the reaction.
5. the TRUE meaning of “it’s not about me” is not that “my feelings are irrelevant”, but that the highly self-conscious and crippling worrying I (and apparently many people) do is ONLY IN “OUR” HEADS, and that it is in fact about the other person, not your own incessant worrying…, IT, being um, social stuff, I think.

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