Category Archives: CalArts (California Institute of the Arts)

firstreactions/Structural Functions/Schoenberg

-FIRST SENTENCE of Schoenberg’s Structural Functions of Harmony AND I QUOTE:“A triad standing alone is indefinite it it’s harmonic meaning”

we had a discussion once, in which “I” thought that c minor, could be ANYTHING of ANYTHING… and he thought it was more powerful AS the opening chord of, say, Beethoven Piano Sonata Pathetiqe, C minor, #8.

First page of this book also shows not one but FIVE Examples from WAGNER, INCLUDING the very “POWER OF THE RING” motif…. DANG.

he says:

a succession (of chords) is aimless, a progression has a specific goal in mind.

I have taught about this in my classes, with the instinctual aim of liberating “successions” from the judgement of negativity due to not BEING progressions.

Gender Roles?

Gender Roles?

I’m against Any system that discourages men from being honest with their feelings, and encourages women to feel guilty about being sexual, or alive, even.

I just overheard some teenage girls telling another “not to respond at all” to a guy she liked, cause it would make her seem like she was too into it.

I don’t approve of this.

say what you will about it.
and go fuck yourself if you defend it.

Fuck Gender Roles.

Behaving the way I want

THOUGHT of the day, 1 10 2015
(among many many others as always)

I’M NOT interested in determining an appropriate way to behave for the situation I’m in;
I’M interested in BEING in situations appropriate to the way I want to behave.

I’m GONNA behave the way I WANT,
if it’s not appropriate “here”, I’ll go someplace where it IS.

so THERE:)



I adjust the form for the content, not the content for the form.


tagged burningman because this “happened” at burningman (2003, 2005, and almost 2015 as well.)


fear of boredom? um…

…it’s possible that I am AFRAID of the feeling of boredom, (whatever that means to me.)
I might be afraid to commit (to anything) due to this, including to things that I want, or wanted, or might want, or want in part, at some time.
you might think this is incredibly infantile, and it might indeed be, if it were you, but it’s an integral part of being adhd, for me, I say.

but then yet again,
it might just be a fear that if you lose interest in something, that THAT isn’t ok, and then you’d feel guilty about THAT, and not guilty that you lost interest, but that you didn’t DESERE to lose interest.

I really should keep going with this
“I am a good person just because, and I deserve to be normal and human” thing, without qualification…

many different (and similar) musics

THAT’s me,

1. driving down to WAGNER, (made that up actually, today it was driving down to a phone conversation)
2. listening to JAMES BROWN
3. reading a book about harmony by SCHOENBERG, and
4. going to AFRICAN DRUM class soon.
likely coming home to
5. JAZZ tonight.

energy usage-

as far as my “not liking being part of things that are average or normal or otherwise less-than-interesting”

it’s not true when my senses DO deem them stimulating, interesting, etc.

like that vid there. funfun. notes. endorphins.



so if my life WASN’T about coping with feeling unhappy

so if my life WASN’T about coping with feeling unhappy, because I WASN’T unhappy…

would I do something different?

wonder what…



I got ideas, yo

wanting to appease/be like by/approved of

wanting to appease/be like by/approved of

normal people…
the same ones that rejected me for being different…

is a subject of strong emotions for me.
I have long long had a rebellious “fuck you” attitude toward it/them.

and possibly also a sense of rejection and sadness, as if my family kicked me out when I was a baby, for being me (they didn’t.)

screw ’em.
there might be more to say, later, perhaps.

my bio, new

be professional, be professional, blah blah blah

Mike Robbins is a Percussionist and all-around Musical Weirdo residing in Los Angeles, who spends his time playing and teaching African Music, rather crazed and rhythmically Complex yet Groovy Percussive Music, and has a very-likely-unhealthy obsession with the music of Steve Reich, which he also Conducts and Plays on occasion.  He also teaches a little Music Theory of the Harmonically-Colourful Variety, and plays a little Harmonium to accompany North Indian Music.  He also arranged some Marching Band and Drumline music, and composes his own stimulating musics as well.

sometimes I compare myself to others

sometimes someone else does something, I compare myself unfavorably to them, and, typically have felt incredible guilt and shame (moving past that now.)

I still have thoughts though such as
“wow, I must be not a very ambitious person, then.”

or why else would I have

1. not done what they did (I didn’t want it?)
2. not done something comparably that I DO want…

though I HAVE, done things I want… they just….

never lay well with conventional notions of success or professionalism, (other people’s often seem to, other people except for my coolest craziest friends.)

the things I have done…
I wouldn’t call them successful or professional (many would argue that they are)
I guess I WOULD call them

special, unruly, unique, something most other people would NEVER do the way “I” went about them, things no one else WOULD ever do, and maybe genius, who knows.

but definitely not conventionally successful or professional.

what do you think friends,

you think I’m ever successful, professional?

this has been a presentation of the new and improved but still a ways to go

“less self-critical and less guilty and less shameful me” in response to other people I know doing things that seem real professional and successful, while I feel like I am sitting around having fun, getting older.

p.s. perhaps “fun” is all I really ever cared about.
as long as I can support myself as well, (not necessarily via the same “fun” things,)
might not be a bad thing in any sense.

it might even be the most important, more important than success or professionalism.

p.p.s you know, I have long despised the term professionalism, as if people who “are” it are fake and are stiffs? ok, enough, what do you think?