Category Archives: Politics


why do we have police in schools?

because some kid brought a gun and shot people?

because some kid made a bomb?

did all kids do this, or just some?

just some?

then why are we acting like all people COULD do it?

that was always true, still is, and always will be.

it is not controllable.

to believe otherwise is foolsh.

to live in such paranoia…

I do not advise… to live in such paranoia.

sometimes there is nothing you can do… to control things.

the LEAST you can do is live well, enjoy your life, in spite of the danger, and near certainty of death (near because I have at least one friend who adamantly believes that aging is a disease that will be SOLVED some day:)


but I digress.

psst: I’m a leader! (shhh)

Today I asked someone trusted, the question of the week:

“Why is it that so very often, what normal/other/average/many people consider to be a reasonable way of doing things… is so VERY “out of phase” with how I would do them?

this has troubled me for DECADES.

Their answer?

“Because you are a Leader.”


very nice indeed.





this is tagged almost EVERYTHING, cause it IS almost everything.

I don’t exist for corporations.


down with fear.

and screw buying THAT MUCH Stupid expensive shit no one needs, and NO,
NO, I “DO NOT” exist to enrich the sellers of this CRAP’s lives,

and the hell with ANY society that spends its time enriching the few by UNNECESSARILY thriving on ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY, that places more importance on making and selling things people DON’T need, to and for people who HAVE A PLETHORA of wealth ALREADY, at the expense of people with REAL needs, who die and suffer because we have elevated profit about giving a crap about real humans with real needs (not rich people who want newer better phones and cars.)

and convincing everyone that this is the way things have to be.

what’s that, you fee otherwise?