Category Archives: Politics


no guilt for being normal or human:)

there are great many things that are no my responsibility, that I have always felt were.

but they are not.

including when, say, I go for a job but do not get it, or a date (yeah, really) or anything not flooded in incredible joy (and comfort) already.

I have long responded to these things feeling guilt and shame, which, I am uh, doing less, for “see above.”

it made me afraid to even try to do or ask for anything, to take ANY risk.

so, I guess I’m becoming freer to take risks now, for, not only do I NOT need to feel any guilt or shame if I fail, for failure is essential and likely, while learning, but I never DID need to feel any.

a belief, stating that I deserved to feel guilt and shame for being less than perfect, which includes feeling immense guilt and shame not only for being less than perfect, but also for making any mistakes, and simply for being human, for being normal…

this belief.

is not only not true now,


never was.

a simple misperception of the world and reality, alas.

why?  because I was a tiny little child, and there were scary things in the adult world around me.

see?  therapy is good like this.

as is honesty and determination, it would seem, to improve things, but looking at them and analyzing and comparing and thinking and seeing the truth.  which is of course, that I do not and never did deserve to feel shameful about being less than perfect, about being human, about making mistakes, about being normal.

and, let’s make this controversial.

this sheds light, to me, on religion.

religion would do honorably to

stop shaming people for being human, normal, and teach them that there IS in fact nothing wrong/sinful about being human, rather than, as it does, position itself as a savior and a punisher if you do not “submit” to it.

that’s like a healer or doctor or parent abusing an unknowing and scared child in need of guidance, rather than teaching the child to love themselves, instead of seeing themselves as flawed.

it’s vulture-like, honestly.

I deserve better.

you deserve better.

oh snap.

drops mic.

Unfinished Fragment

I was about to say:

“Take no advice from “mere mortals”, they don’t know the answers. (mere mortals in the case simply means everyday people who aren’t as weird as yourself:))

but then

no, wait, advice from them is fine if it’s in ways to be kind to yourself, to be human, compassionate, to yourself, yes.

I originally meant

that they don’t know what I want,

what’s best for me,

what will

“do it” for me,

which reminds me of something I was to say days ago, being:

(again, Mere MOrtals simply is is colourful language for normal people.)
(I realize that I too am normal, but come on, it’s poetry, people.)

I have no homophobe friends:)

ain’t got no homophobe friends:)


that’s nice.


you often (I often) read about friends who have people in their circle of (facebook) friends whose views differ sharply and uncomfortably from their own.


while that might be a good thing, I think I have gotten rid of many such people.


as such, whenever I hear about “that crazy uncle” (I’ve got none/and/or/they’re dead,)
or some such thing, I’m always like, well, see above.

terrorist attacks like this,

terrorist attacks like this, while kinda “complicated” (a bit our fault, a bit “the situation’s fault, a bit their fault, a bit “economic’s fault, a bit capitalism’s, a bit the british, a bit the world at large, a bit religion, you name it, Obama, Bush, Clinton, whomever…)

but I’m only human and one thing I feel at times like this is a desire for vengeance. hey, only human.

don’t worry “too” much.

don’t be terrified, live your lives, or they win.


1. either you’ll die some day,
2. if transhumanism is highly successful, you won’t, and then we’ll REALLY have to find ways to get along:)

confusion about what consultants do

hey- this post be a little angry:) take with salt grains

from an article about Bernie Sanders, but having more to do with something else, which I shall get to in a sex-

“As a content writer, the septuagenarian fittingly broke all the best practices rules, but still managed to flummox the millennial-aged social media professionals on his staff when his posts performed better than theirs.

Sanders keeps close tabs on his Twitters followers and Facebook “likes,” and carefully studies which messages generate the largest responses. Aides say its important feedback data for Sanders, the same way ropeline conversations are for other politicians.

The attention to detail grew out of his early years in politics, when it was both a necessity and a preference that set him apart from candidates who hired professional political consultants.”

that angered me, somehow.


1. I feel in short, that I am honest, direct, real.
2. I basically feel that unless you talk the way I do, that you are basically dishonest, less real, and kinda fake.

(a hell of value judgement, I know.   I sometimes make those, I allow myself to get angry sometimes, yes.)
yep, you. go to hell, haters, I don’t care.
3. see below:

I can just see ME doing it (or hiring someone to do it )
in this “hire out a consultant or a professional “whatever” to do something in the proper corporate way, and it not working, in MY case, can’t you just SEE it “working when OTHER people do it, leading me to expect that if only “I” do the same thing THEY do, the same way THEY do it, I’ll have AS magical perfect results as THEY got…

and no, that WON’T be what will happen… somehow, just because it’s me.

Kyra-style, from the Ayn Rand Novel (‪#‎fuckaynrand‬)
WE THE LIVING. (where a nice gal, is forced by the times, to walk and talk the communist walk and talk, but she is not truthfully one with them, and when she walks the walk and talks the talk, unlike with the OTHER people… when SHE does it… something’s off, people can just TELL, even though she is saying the exact same words of fake commeraderie (sp) that everyone else does.

(see appendix)

why did that anger me?

because what “I” do and the way “I” do it is interesting “to ME,”

and what other people seem to do, is basically mindless, directionless, disinterested, lowest-common-denominator GARBAGE (if you take this personally, or get defensive,

first of all

1. buggar off
2. it isn’t about you
3. this is mostly about presentation, image, and music, and me.)
4. you’re defensive? that’s your problem. get your own therapist, but I digress.)

so, back to the actual topic.


I have NEVER known nor understood WHAT, in CONCRETE EXAMPLE TERMS, a CONSULTANT “ACTUALLY” does, other than consults. WHAT do they SAY, about WHAT, TO WHOM, to WHAT END, and WHERE did they learn WHATEVER it is they “KNOW” and WHAT “IS” IT, first and foremost.

and why on earth are they SPECIAL, and why couldn’t ANYONE intelligent do what they do, probably BETTER?

I mean, what are these people doing, basing everything on STATISTICS AND DATA, instead of BEING BLOODY REAL?
is that what they are doing?

this wasn’t really supposed to be about consultants, it is really about how

I don’t see why there IS such a world at all, if “honesty and realness are… in my opinion, just BETTER, exemplified by Bernie Sander’s REAL posts OUTPERFORMING the PROFESSIONAL, CORPORATE ones that alleged EXPERTS wrote.

god DAMMIT, people, just speak the damn truth, stop POSING, (and LEARN the truth before that.)


that’s how “becoming a flirtatious guy” would feel to me… it’s SO “out of phase” both with how people who know me expect me to act, and how I feel used to acting.

question norms/entitlements of the powerful

we really should question the fact that

1. when minimum wages go up,
2. the ONLY results ever talked about appear to be
3. prices going up.

I propose something less entitled, and different:

pay the executives less.

why is there this default assumption that whatEVER we do, we can’t take ANY MONEY from the people who have BUTTLOADS of it?

don’t answer.

just do it.

existing whether labeled/noticed or not

the frequency A 440, ANY of them, really, has EXISTED, um, perhaps forever or somethin, LONG before

gave it a NAME and a NUMBER.

it’s a SOUND, or vibration or whatever, and it predates ONE CULTURE’S measurements and things by very far.

it existed, and exists, whether WE or ANYONE gives it a LABEL or NOT. it just IS.

how bout that.

seriously, think about that, so often we feel like if mommy or daddy doesn’t notice us, (rightly so, in that case,) that we don’t exist, so to speak.

but as we grow older, surely (not always) we must learn things such as

  1.  our feelings, existence, etc, ARE Valid, THEMSELVES< with OR without validation from others, in the form of facebook likes, or something similar, fame, etc.
    we are not defined in terms of others.   to define ourselves that way….seriously,  just don’t do it.

    friends’ comments on this were as follows:

    it’s the same with rhythms. grid or no grid (16th notes and such I mean.) they exist independent of this, like Swing. and some African rhythms, some of em are “kinda crazy”  if you think of them in a strict western grid sense. some of em’s on the in between.

    friend 1:
    ” There is a current math problem that asks whether numbers exist whether or not humans are there to think about them. Are numbers a part of the physical world or are they a human construct? It’s an interesting question and there are many different schools of thought in the issue. What you said about frequencies reminded me of it.”


    ” reminds me of The Matrix (3rd Film, Revolutions.) they ask the same questions of LOVE, whether it is a Human Emotion, or a word.

    I tend towards the “I exist whether I am visible to/approved of by others, or not” school of thought myself.

    I mean, nevermind hollywood, and the Society of the Spectacle (a book by GUY DEBORD.)

    and fuck the Space Monkeys and others like them in FIGHT CLUB.

    it’s not about being part of groups. we’re OURSELVES, first. and last.”

    friend 2:
    “My question that correlates to your statement is: Are we creating music or discovering music? One answer leads to us as the creator of the music experience. Another answer leads to someone or something creating the foundation for discovering music. If you look to the harmonic sequence and the evolution of music from chant to today you can see the pattern of consonance (early chant 8th, 5ths, and 4ths, to harmony (classical Maj 3rds min 3rds) to dissonance (chromaticism) progressing through time to eventual inclusion of all intervals based on the harmonic sequence. Are we creating or discovering? Have fun with this Mike.”

    friend 3:

    “duuude yes. for some years now I’ve been thinking about writing music as a form of discovery rather than creation. and i am especially inclined to believe this is the case because of those moments when i get a really great melody rhythm or progression and i wasnt even trying. it’s almost accidental. and the process of developing musical skills is similar to developing ones abilities to detect things in the environment. you add to your skill set so that you can find music more efficiently. thats my is my hypothesis.”

    friend 4:

    “Well the “sound” part only takes place in our heads, and doesn’t really exist outside that moment of experience, but yea, 440 probably only exists because that was the most affordable amount of pipe to make an A on an organ or something.”

Love should be UNconditiona

hey, here’s a thought:
Love should be UNconditional.

therefore, religion is missing something, something important.

Mom and Dad (unless they are bad people) love the little ones just BECAUSE, even IF they do horrible stuff, and are horrible people, and stuff.

any god or human should do that to others, and to themselves.