ADHD MUSIC.., 1 24 2015

ADHD be a touchy subject for me, yes.
I just searched “ADHD MUSIC” without quotes.
what I seem to find (I haven’t found out for sure yet (see above)
are presumably
websites that have music that apparently
(sigh… grumble…seeth…..grrrrr)
I can only assume that that means that said music HELPS people with ADHD
FUNCTION BETTER, or MORE NORMALLY (seething more….grrr)
(fists clenched….. voice angry)
… by helping them be more normal, like everyone else…..
needless to say… MY adhd music page is not about this, not in the same way at least (all presumption, I haven’t clicked on any of these sites; it’s 2:41 am and this is a touchy touchy subject, and I don’t wanna chance gettin all emotional and angry and resentful and vengeful (my life, my feelings) this late.
AS I was saying…
MY ADHD MUSIC pages (and my LIFE)
are not about helping us FUNCTION amongst figurative “mere mortals,” (that can mean anything from “Normal People” to “Non-ADHD people” to “Non-Artists”) at least, not in the same way, not by “denying” our impulses and need for “enough stimulation, by OUR measure, not be “normal people’s” but
by GETTING enough of said stimulation, whatever it is. (my life, after all.)
if I want to use ten times as much pepper on my eggs as most people do (as my best friend DOES IN FACT DO,) I fucking will.
if I were gay, I’d be gay. it is for no one to TELL ME I should have different TASTES or crave DIFFERENT AMOUNTS different ways different ANYTHINGS than I do.
and if I want to play African Music from Ghana for 4 or 5 hours until I can barely stand because it is a HELL of a good time (as I did last night), until I am exhausted and need to drink a lotta water and then coffee to drive all the way home, if THIS is what makes me HAPPY, then it BLOODY WELL IS!!!
JOY! and get outta my face if you think a “proper” night is spent reading or watching tv or sports or drinking or being with a loved one (not that I don’t enjoy that too.)
MY ADHD RESOURSE CENTER, (that might be a little formal for my tastes (sure as hell is)
is about THIS, not THAT.
THAT is fitting in, self-denial (I didn’t read no Neiztsche, no I didn’t)
and feel free to criticize me as incredibly infantile and juvenile, that’s your prerogative indeed.
Become Awesomeness
Become Excitement
Become Interaction
Become Engagement
“THIS” is life. (at least sometimes.)
don’t worry. there is compromise involved in life.
we’ll get to that.
first we start from this place. this place right here.

p.s. this post may seem a little extreme, yes it may. everything’s fine, just strong words and strong feelings is all, folks. everything’s fine. :)

One thought on “ADHD MUSIC.., 1 24 2015”

  1. this post might have evinced some attitude and anger.
    Sometimes I get a little heated and emotional and all.

    everything’s fine, it’s just theatrics, it’s just expressing old feelings of frustration and feeling that ADHD was “less good” than everyone else”, feeling that others were judging me for being different than them (I mean, it sure as hell seemed like they were, back when I was little.)

    just working it out, just truth, just feeling. it passes.

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