WHO’S an introvert (and also NOT one)

dear self, let’s make a list of
1. people that I am actually comfortable around, and/or
2. people that I may not be comfortable around but their presence, combined with mine, results in so much funny and fun high stimulation that I cease to be aware that I may in fact still be uncomfortable.
that is a very few people indeed.

LAUNDRY!…of all things, yes

wish I could do my laundry EVERY morning; perhaps that’s why I feel good today. and believe you me: I have so much laundry, and almost ALL of it has been dirty for MONTHS…. that for the next few WEEKS, I CAN do laundry EVERY morning…

you know, in the Marx. Bros. film A NIGHT IN CASABLANCA, Groucho, on taking a new job as the manager of the Hotel Casablanca, asks his helper-outters

“what about my laundry?”
“yes, you know, the stuff that doesn’t come back.”
“Oh, we pick up your laundry once a month!”
“… if you wait THAT long, you won’t be ABLE to pick it up…”

a lotta people ain’t my type

A whole lotta people ain’t my type.
they don’t have to be.

not a ton to say about it, just the title.

I’ve absolutely gotta have more faith and less doubt in myself, particularly when (as is almost always the case), other people are different than I.

if there are COPING STRATEGIES for ADHD,

if there are COPING STRATEGIES for ADHD, then there should be coping strategies for NOT being ADHD, for being NORMAL.

I mean, let’s stop defining ADHD as “less normal, and less good” then normal, shall we?
I am just as valid as any non-adhder, I have just as much to offer, more on plenty of occasions.

let’s either define them in terms of non being adhd, or define us BOTH as being just fine the way we are.

they are better at putting up with routine mundane tasks, and better and prioritizing tasks quickly, for example, and I am better and motivating unruly groups of people to get enthusiastic about an unruly inspiring large project and MAKING it happen, not to mention having a a super excellent memory.

both valuable (except that that ADHD one’s are “more rare”, so technically in a capitalist-pig sense, we the adhd’ers should fetch a HIGHer value, but who’s counting, who’s counting indeed;).

this is a spiritual matter, not an economic one. one of self-acceptance, not one of comparison and judging.

let’s have a little love here, shall we?

what to do about resenting the generic

when I do things, for REAL, I think I’m painfully thorough, is one “bizarrely positive spin” on it at any rate.
I don’t really know HOW to be less thorough, other than “not doing the thing at all” or “taking others’ word for it and doing what they say, and not really understanding the how or the why of it, (which if I care, I never like.)

as such:

sometimes (not always, it seems,) I resent GENERIC things, status quo things, mainstream things, etc.

now, per therapy, in my “thorough” way, I must now (for the millionth time, but again)

“do I resent them because of my “being worked-on” Belief (that I as I am am unlovable, invalid, not qualified)?
AND/OR (that makes it tricky)
“do I resent them because I really do just disagree in a fundamental way with what other people consider important/normal/sense-making, and how to do things?

if it’s the former, we need to re-evaluate, if the latter, then we kinda don’t:)

what is the Point of everything, of LIFE?

so, Censored, what the @*#*(% is the POINT of everything, of LIFE?
it can’t be accumulation of material goods, such as my nifty outfits (mm hmm….)
it’s gotta be just getting by and just being happy, for sure.
well, drumming with friends in less than an hour.
that should do it today!:)

African Music is Bloody Awesome, among the awesomest thing in the woild, but what do I know. (I know what I like, and that counts for a whole lot, in my case.)

what right

what right do people have to compare and judge me as a PERSON, when they intend to do so merely as a student.

what steps are we taking, if any, to ensure that young children do not come away from being judged and compared, feeling like they themselves as a PERSON, feeling worthless?

sometimes, to me at least, it felt, (it’s a little hard to remember, honestly) that when I was little, that when people “labeled” me, labeled me adhd and a problem child…. that they were saying that I was a bad person and was invalid, did not deserve to be loved, much less be happy, much less have anything to offer people.

that surely had a lot (everything, in fact) to do with “the home environment” and it’s “dysfunctional tendencies” yes.

people really should just “care” more, “care enough”, and I’m talking about educators.

it’s not as if young students are just OBJECTS, to be employed some day; they are people and they have feelings and they won’t make it that far if they feel this way.

so, let’s educate “carefully” and “label” carefully, shall we?