Category Archives: CalArts (California Institute of the Arts)

simplicity eludes me, and does not, also.

I should most certainly not be so quick to jealously begrudge persons who seem… easier-going and less-troubled than I…
it is probably easier being them… at least when it comes to over-thinking…
I even over-think and over-analyze when it comes to music, (obviously.)
thankfully, SOME Music is powerful enough to remove me from this and get me in the moment…
either the (classic)High Stimulations of
Holst, Stravinsky, WAGNER, etc…
the blessedness that is Minimalism….
not to mention African and Indian (and yes, Indonesian) musics in their fabulous repetitivenesses. (nice word.)

never say that’s just the way the world works

be VERY wary of people who say
“that’s just the way the world works.”

for them, maybe.

they’ve made a decision to perceive and assess things the way they do, good for them.

Doesn’t mean “I” have to agree with them.

never did mean it.

being misjudged

on rare occasions I meet someone who assumes that I’m reasonable and not crazy and not extreme and not me and “am normal” and don’t express myself honestly.
sometimes they friend request me.
seeing one of them delete their friend request, after a few weeks of my posts, is amusing.
seeing people not yet realize that I’m not your average easy going type, and then seeing them find out… is just sorta amusing.

Music=music cooler than politics

wow, after three or four days of rehearsing and playing music with many friends far and wide, for many hours, I am reminded not for the 100th time,

that playing music is a lot cooler than being on facebook and getting all indignant about politics and such.

something I seem to take for granted

something I seem to take for granted ALL of the time is that
1. I have some nifty musical knowledge at all, and that
2. I have A TON of musical friends who love music so much that they actually make it, no matter how difficult, and that
3. I live in a place which has, all things considered, A LOT of such people, (even if there are a billion more people who are not these.)
I really do like that.
how awful would it be to lose that.
how much more tragic would it be to never have discovered it.
see? life really is pretty amazing.

what would I do if

Thought of the Day 1 29 2015

what would I have done if I WERE ADHD, but had UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCEā€¦ instead of the belief that I am unlovable and invalid (with the only things capable of overcoming said belief being adhd-related Highly Stimulating thingsā€¦)