Category Archives: Comedy

missing Joe LaBarbara, “working” instead

I was gonna go see Joe LaBarbara tonight…. now I gotta WORK instead (and by work, I mean compose the ending to a Marching band show with the only stipulations being that it finishes the last song (which I WROTE) and uses some of the material from the first song (which I also WROTE.)


if you can consider “composing music” to be work, and if you can consider marching band music to in fact be “music” (hey, I like the stuff, sometimes, and I can say more for it than “at least, my TASTE”, in country, or folk (nothing against them, they just…. don’t much “speak” to me, but that says little about them and everything about me, just like people I’m not attracted to, they are fine, I just, don’t want em that way.



too serious and not alottafun

a lotta people are really too serious and no fun.
some other people are really whimsical and ALOTTAVAGINA, I mean fun, a lotta fun, (hey is there a difference?) (of course there is, I have plenty of one, none of the other)

to you face

I knew a guy named ***, and a woman named ####, in undergrad.

both played trumpet (not at CalArts, before it.)

people, I think a bit disparagingly, called him “Cool ***” (he simply had one of those kinda charismatic NYC voices, that’s all, and he smiled a lot, that’s all,)
and the other, people called, Crackhead ####.

BOTH, behind their back, NEVER to their face.

I of course, didn’t see why either name would be offensive IN THE SLIGHTEST,

so I of course, called both of them these nicknames TO THEIR FACE,
MOST UN-self-consciously (and proud of it, thank you very much.)

It’s not that was socially inept, but I simply didn’t find those terms offensive, nor see any reason why they should be.

if the names had ACTUALLY hurt their feelings, (and if they had ACTUALLY, CLEARly communicated to me that they DID,)
I’d have of course not used them.

I tend to assume, when I talk to people DIRECTLY, that they mean what they say. (I usually do, myself.)

hell yeah.

(to this day, when someone has a nickname (usually something I cook up myself,) I ASK them, POINT FUCKING BLANK, do they mind if I use it, for I had pretty uncool nicknames when I was little. I won’t want to hurt their feelings if using the nickname would, but again, alas,
they need to be clear with me about their true feelings.”)

-lesson number one, in “arranging marching band music,”

-lesson number one, in “arranging marching band music,” and actually composing music, AND life itself, (including um, socializing with sexually attractive persons (I suppose it’s the same with everyone, but it’s so much less “who gives a shit” when you don’t  desire someone, alas. (is it?)anyway, lesson number one:“just decide on trying something and go through with it…. or you’ll spend FOREVER fretting and some day you’ll die. better to have loved (composed?) and lost (written bad music?) than never to have um, loved (composed) at all.

thanks, I’ll be here all week.