Category Archives: Music Theory

Lord of the Rings Music and motifs

I just realized that what I have ALWAYS THOUGHT was THE MORDOR MOTIF from lord of the rings, is almost all of the same notes as THE RING MOTIF from lord of the rings. !!!
different tempo, context, symbolism, intstruments…. different resolution….. different harmonic context…. SAME MELODY. DANG!
how did I MISS that.
that IS like Wagner!
(said themes are both in the hobbit fims as well)
b C b CbAb……
slow… that’s it.
the RING motif, is, the same notes, fast, in strings, over f minor, moving to e minor, plus C B E….
OBVIOUSLY they would be related. man, that’s as cool as when it happens in wagner. wow.

p.s it’s actually B C B CB A-natural, not flat, in the “ring” motif.

Capitalism’s Downward Pressure to be mediocre

Still haven’t heard how the Ayn Rand camp defends the fact that capitalism has a downward pressure to produce as little as possible and sell it for the most.
these clowns have to admit at some point that this results in making garbage and presenting it as treasure, the very thing that they accuse socialists of, yes?

“enshrining mediocrity.”

isn’t that what capitalism and oligarchy are doing?

why else is pop music these days nothing but commercial GARBAGE?
ain’t apologizin, eat it. guess I’m old now.
no, I ain’t old, I’m educated and have good bloody taste. never liked most pop music. only reason I liked James Brown (and really, is that pop music? was it ever?) is cause I happen to dig the rhythms and the harmonies and the fact that they repeat a lot. it’s happenstance. if they weren’t as they are, I’d pass over James Brown, as I do a lotta funk that doesn’t have “certain” chords and “certain” rhythmic feels and “isn’t repetitive such that it pulls me in and I want more and more of it.”
still haven’t heard from the Ayn Rand Camp where they get off thinking that capitalism doesn’t unnecessarily (at this point in history) encourage
Willful STINGINESS. rather than actually thinking and actually caring and actually deciding WHAT CONSTITUTES a GOOD JOB at something, a thing WORTH doing.
not just DOING It, regardless of it’s meaning and place in the general scheme of things, if it has one at all.
SEE? I HAVE LEADERSHIP SKILLS!!! hahahaha (this is a joke, but it isn’t)

“James Brown is God.” no joke. not god, just awesome. hows that for a disclaimer.

grinding process musical composition thoughts….

shapes, musical shapes… of pieces…. hmmm….

is it event-based….

is it minimalist…

or is it minimalist-TEXTured, with events nonetheless….

which kinda….

maybe reduces if not defeats, the purpose of it not being full-blown minimalist….

so many questions…

and perhaps none of them matter…

“if it sounds good to you, it’s bichen.”

-frank zappa

but is it sounding good to you the ONLY thing that matters….


a nifty aspect of harmony

well, one nifty aspect of hearing music from a long time ago in your life (high school wind-ensemble music, to be precise)
is recognizing certain harmonies, that you simply hadn’t learned about that.
such as a DbM7 chord, in c minor…didn’t know about M7 chords yet, nor those a half step above the root in a minor key:)

piece is

MASQUE by W. Francis Mcbeth (didn’t even know this piece was by him, Just remembered a piece called Masque, from ages ago, that I liked and never had found.)

musico-rhythmic interest in minimalist and not

here we go again…. 4 21 15…
musical interest in a piece
COME from (a piece that happens to be for non-melodic percussion of course.)
except I’ve nothing to say, as the endless thoughts I’ve had are all unbounded and disconnected and would make no sense would take two many rambling words to even try to say as of yet….
and it’s all TASTE in the end, anyhow…
this somehow reminds me of the skepticism of David Hume… yes?

(I’ll have much more to say about this, but not yet…)

fragment of convers. bout rhythm, not songs

“Reich Steve calls some of this “enacting the percussionist’s revenge.” (he did so by
1. using TWO stringed instruments in music for 18, with SIX percs and FOUR pianos (a perc instrument also, alas.)
2. putting the marimbas and xylos in the FRONT of the orch, and the strings in the BACK, in “the desert music.” and elsewhere. oh
3. having WHOLE NOTES ties to OTHER WHOLE notes in the string parts, while all the ACTION is in the MARIMBAS…. in OTHER PIECES (eight lines, city life, music for a large ensemble, music for 18, you fucking name it.
oh, he was a jazz drummer:)”

this was about my desire as a percussionist NOT to just play whatever is “conventionally appropriate to what the guitar player and singer and bass player are doing, with “my own little aded splash”

but to basically obliterate the relationship (this one anyway) of rhythm to the rest (stravinsky did such a thing with harmony and rhythm in The Rite of Spring did he not?)
and to set it up such that instead of having the drums “accompany” in a more or less subservient role, “actual REAL music (blegh)
have them
be INTEGRAL to the structure of the music itself, have them BE the music.
I mean come ON, I’M A PERCUSSIONIST AND A DRUMMER! I don’t want to always “work for” others, we’ve done that for eons.
we should now try either working together, or have THEM WORK FOR US.

hey, I’m entitled this.
people’ve done it.

various bands and groups and musics from all over in various time periods in various capacities including but not limited to

African Drumming (it usually serves “the dance” (but said dance VERY often mimic EXACTLY the rhythm of the drums:)
Gamelan Music from Indonesia
INdian Music (from INDIA of course.) sometimes a “framework for improvisation”…. whatever…. point being” Tabla Solo music is awesome and I like it in this way.

Steve Reich and some of Philip Glass’s American MINIMALISM particularly their early works.

and of course

BoorBaar – a Percussion Ensemble, my group.


on the validity of mere SEQUENCES OF IDEAS, rather than DEVELOPMENT of them, in music, and perhaps in conversation, or even thinking, or living.
I mean, what’s the point of “developing” something… you don’t have to “develop” seeing the sky, you see it, it’s blue, or azul, or whatever, and it’s beautiful. you don’t HAVE to “write poems” about it, or define it, it just IS.
MM! UMPH! why can’t music and sound just BE, sometimes? even in a John Cage sense… not ALL of them (but then again, why NOT all of them?) but bloody hell, if you find someting appealing, just BE with it, as long as you like. no need for a story, an arc, a narrative. no need for TELEOLOGY. just BE. DAMMIT just be.
I DON’T NEED to always be doing something NEW! some of the things I love to do I am happy doing MANY TIMES!!!
like if I was married… I wouldn’t need a new WOMAN all the time… would I?
I should think not, if I loved my wife.
and I don’t need new and different food all the time, even any of it (though in some ways a broader diet than I’ve got would be good, yes.)
some say variety is the spice of life. perhaps, but NO!start with basic contentment, no need to spice things up without things “TO” spice up.
and no I’m not advocating the perhaps materialist life path of the boomers, nor am I advocating maslows “incomplete” hierarchy of needs (he left out “the need to feel alive, in between the lowest two needs, but you couldn’t expect a non-adhd to know about that; it would be like saying that people need “oxygen” for happiness. and water. I mean, duh. he can be forgiven for the crime of having an “IN-UNIVERSE” perspective in his writing (in case you don’t know, that means writing a supposed encyclopedia article from the perspective of a fantasy world, rather than from OUTSIDE it, as is proper. though this does remind me of Fight Club and the device of UNRELIABLE NARRATOR, as used by JAMES JOYCE, yes.)

other people’s norms/my versions/my own

because using other people’s norms in the normal way is one thing (Rienzi, Das Liebesverbot, and Die Feen.)
adapting them for your own purposes is another, Der Fliegende Hollander, Tannhauser, Lohengrin, but
designing your very own with your purposes in mind from the BEGINNING is enTIREly another! (Der RIng (Rhinegold, Walkure, Siegfried, Gotterdammerung,) Tristan, Meistersinger, and Parsifal.
(those are the 13 opera’s by Wagner, the first two of which I believe never saw performance during his lifetime, the next three were him (I believe) adapting existing operatic styles (german, italian, and french, I think.. (Maybe I’m paraphrasing or remembering incorrectly)
and the remainder are his own, mature music dramas.