sometimes there are indeed very few people who are really in tune with you, very few indeed.
but I’ve got a surprising amount, and even one would be better than none:)
Category Archives: Frustrations about women ‘n’ stuff
ehh, let’s be more positive, yes.
it is best if I follow MY instincts
often when have wanted to do something, instead of just doing it, I have delayed it (forever) by asking others how THEY think it should be done, then getting super upset because their answer is at odds with my own instincts.
in the end, it is best if I follow MY instincts, not others. even if I’m wrong, often.
otherwise, who’s life am I leading, eh?
Therapy is cool. It helps to teach me such things.
Note to Self, 2 10 2015
Note to Self, 2 10 2015
going through with things and getting them over with, instead of fretting about them “so incredibly long that they NEVER come to pass at all, for decades,” seems like it’s almost ALWAYS the better idea.
I mean, if you’re gonna wait THAT long, so long that it becomes forever…
(hey, I know, this is what I’ve spent much of my life doing, putting things off in fear due to perfectionis…)
just do it indeed.
Thought of the Day 2 6 2015
Thought of the Day 2 6 2015
perhaps one would not be defensive if they did not feel that others were attacking them (regardless of whether other’s really are attacking them.)
feeling safe is important.
so is feeling valid, and deserving of happiness and life.
not letting others’ actions define you is a fine idea, as is not taking it personally when other people disappoint you.
what would I do if
Thought of the Day 1 29 2015
what would I have done if I WERE ADHD, but had UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCEā¦ instead of the belief that I am unlovable and invalid (with the only things capable of overcoming said belief being adhd-related Highly Stimulating thingsā¦)
if you believed you were lovable and valid
!!! question of the day, of the year, of LIFE:
“what would you do if you believed you were lovable and were valid?”
(uber profound)
believe good things about yourself.
believe good things about yourself.
as if your life depended on it.
cause it kinda does.
is MY high stimulation music right for you
so, as a HYPER dude (an ADHD dude, whatever…)
what RIGHT do I have, to TELL OTHER people who are ADHD, that MY MUSIC OF CHOICE might be right for THEM?
that it might help THEM feel EXTREME JOY and give THEIR some direction as well?
(this is rhetorical)
(I PLAY a lot of said music, I organize groups and rehearse and perform it, not just listening (though listening is the bomb as well.)
I want to maybe do it with YOU TOO, whomever you are, if you are the right person, THE RIGHT MONKEYS….
today it’s this, though I don’t currently have a SAMBA group (and never HAVE had, one of MY own, though I’ve been in others’s a little.)
more of this, more of this, yes.
My Limiting Beliefs are Lies
…that happiness doesn’t exist, is a lie…
…that even if it does, I don’t deserve because I’m fundamentally bad, is a lie…
…that happiness doesn’t exist, is a lie…
…that even if it does, I don’t deserve because I’m fundamentally bad, is a lie…
never too late to love oneself
seems it is never to late
to decide you like yourself
you love yourself
that you DO have things to offer
that you ARE valid,
that you ARE lovable.
I mean, you’ve spent your whole life “not asking” for things you would if you DID believe these things,
why not change and behave this better way instead?
I can indeed think of no reason:)
(my therapist taught me this. I did too, it would seem.)
she is very good. so am I.