last minute composition seems quite effective

as an ADHDer, I have JUST discovered that waiting till after midnight, hours before a rehearsal of YOUR GROUP, playing YOUR MUSIC,
is a most effective time to write new music.
very effective at MAKING you “choose” something out of the 10,000 possible ideas that are piling up all about you…

I Love my Stubbornness at such times

… a very neat thing about
either seeing the world a different way than others,
and/or being a kid, and somehow not understanding/noticing/giving a shit, about the EDUCATION and SOCIAL PRESSURES to CONFORM…
and/or being smarter than some people…
and/or being very stubborn and wanting your way (hey, that’s ok!) and being persistent until you get it (not talking about kids having tantrums, no, talking about adults having a specific idea of what they want in mind, and keeping going till they FIND IT)
is that
when you’re the boss and you are trying to do something, and it might not be going as you want, you push and make changes until it IS.
maybe compromise is necessary, yes, BUT
you push and push and scour existence for OTHER OPTIONS, WAYS of making it WORK YOUR WAY
surprisingly often, this actually works IF YOU DO IT.
besides, IF you do this, and you DO have to compromise, you know that you REALLY did all you could, not just “all that average people TEND to do” (and tend to REFER to as “all anyone could” (when it’s really just a normalized Aggregated AVERAGE, and no more than that:)
woHOOOO yes this kinda day:)
wee, more coffee. and how bout some work getting done, now, eh?

fragment of convers. bout rhythm, not songs

“Reich Steve calls some of this “enacting the percussionist’s revenge.” (he did so by
1. using TWO stringed instruments in music for 18, with SIX percs and FOUR pianos (a perc instrument also, alas.)
2. putting the marimbas and xylos in the FRONT of the orch, and the strings in the BACK, in “the desert music.” and elsewhere. oh
3. having WHOLE NOTES ties to OTHER WHOLE notes in the string parts, while all the ACTION is in the MARIMBAS…. in OTHER PIECES (eight lines, city life, music for a large ensemble, music for 18, you fucking name it.
oh, he was a jazz drummer:)”

this was about my desire as a percussionist NOT to just play whatever is “conventionally appropriate to what the guitar player and singer and bass player are doing, with “my own little aded splash”

but to basically obliterate the relationship (this one anyway) of rhythm to the rest (stravinsky did such a thing with harmony and rhythm in The Rite of Spring did he not?)
and to set it up such that instead of having the drums “accompany” in a more or less subservient role, “actual REAL music (blegh)
have them
be INTEGRAL to the structure of the music itself, have them BE the music.
I mean come ON, I’M A PERCUSSIONIST AND A DRUMMER! I don’t want to always “work for” others, we’ve done that for eons.
we should now try either working together, or have THEM WORK FOR US.

hey, I’m entitled this.
people’ve done it.

various bands and groups and musics from all over in various time periods in various capacities including but not limited to

African Drumming (it usually serves “the dance” (but said dance VERY often mimic EXACTLY the rhythm of the drums:)
Gamelan Music from Indonesia
INdian Music (from INDIA of course.) sometimes a “framework for improvisation”…. whatever…. point being” Tabla Solo music is awesome and I like it in this way.

Steve Reich and some of Philip Glass’s American MINIMALISM particularly their early works.

and of course

BoorBaar – a Percussion Ensemble, my group.

actually doing things/life/no life/no, life

not lying here, but my how it is strange to actually get things done, when most of my days, at least to me (not just to me, by ANY standard) feel like I am getting nothing, FAR LESS than everyone done.
I mean, let’s not forget, I don’t really even have a life.
right now, my home is clean, most uniquely, and we (I) are (am) making every effort to NOT give in even once to letting it slip beneath this. (only because I know, from hundreds of experiences, that a single slip leads to a million more, and poof: you are tripping over a bag of rice milk containers in at 6am on february 2nd (still awake from the 1st, that is,) and breaking your toe….
when I like, am meeting the same responsibilities that everyone else (ok, maybe not everyone, maybe not eve a lot of people, who knows) are, THEN I’ll have a life.
but fuck that, that’s a cruel, MINIMIZING and SELF-UNDERMINING attitude towards one or myself, ah yes.
anyway. I somehow got things done today. now if Only I could do that tomorrow too…
p.s. I only seem to get things done when
1. I meet other people who are in charge of said things at like 11am somewhere far from home, or
2. I am allowed all day to “get around to it” and then actually HAVE 4 hours left in the day to DO so, before it becomes like 1am when I am still awake stewing…
let us sleep now.
or at least, let us watch some of Lord of the Rings and some other things till we get exhausted, and THEN sleep, then wake up at 4am with the lights on, turn them off and THEN sleep.

the norms of society

understanding the norms of society “normally” involves noticing several things:
1. they absolutely suck
2. they are completely boring
3. infinitely better ways of doing EVERYTHING are possible
4. they are designed with average people in mind.
5. not questioning these norms, not thinking, and not doing something BETTER is very very bad. and it makes me enraged that this seems to be what most people choose to do (because they are lazy?)
6. doing things for the most money instead of “any other human or humane reason AT ALL” is very very bad too. see previous posts on how this basically turns the world into garbage and creates misery for everyone but the richest, and frankly, creates it for them too because money doesn’t make you happy.
and again…
just think…
some day I won’t have to deal with it at all.

good thing there ‘are’ ‘good thoughts’ and ideas and feelings that in spite of “all that garbage” still exist and still are good.